
I'm currently 18DPO and have a 31 Day cycle..I'm up to 37 days now..I'm 5 days late..I've had NO spotting what so ever and the last 4 days have taken preg tests and all of them are BFN..they are Internet Amazon cheapies..but still..shouldn't I see something?! I took an Equate one at 14DPO & saw a very faint line, sorta a squinter..if my periods a couple of days late I always atleast have spotting.

I've been eating like a pig..craving salt

EXTREME fatigue

Tiny pinch like sharp pains on my right side in my abdomen

Last 2 days my temp has been 99.7...but I feel as if I'm getting sick

I'm a tiny bit nauseous but nothing that's standing out amongst the others

Gassy..but could be from all the food *blush*

Constipation & slight Diarrhea (loose stools) Sorry for all this TMI

Are itchy boobs a symptom?? My right one is!

Anyways those are the symptoms I can think of

HELP!! I'm about to lose my mind!