Walmart extravaganza

So tonight as my boyfriend and I were leaving Walmart, he went to put our cart in the cart rack thing as I got into the car. Next thing you know someone is flying down the parking lot and almost hit him as they yelled "move the f*** out of the way", to which he responded "slow the f*** down!!" This caused the woman to come to a hault and her husband to jump from the car and get into my boyfriends face screaming about how he shouldn't be disrespecting his woman in that way. My boyfriend kept calm and never touched the other man, however, he did push on my boyfriend and began poking him in the eyes as he tried walking to the car. Me, being me, continuously screamed at my boyfriend to get in the car so we could leave, but instead he continued to stand up for himself. The mans wife got out and my boyfriend said if it didn't stop he would call the cops. This turned into the man screaming call the police I don't care so instead, my boyfriend decided to take a picture of the license plate. When this happened the woman pulled her husband into the car and tried reversing over my boyfriend to hit him and make him stop. Long story to an end, we called the police, got the license plate, got a report going, and got home, however, my boyfriends eyes are blood shot from the poking and I am terrified as the situation was not solved, they simply drove away. I'm terrified for my boyfriend and myself as I don't want to walk outside or go anywhere in fear that they may have followed us home.