UPDATE Too many abortions?

So I have a bit of a wild past. I've slept with over 30 guys and had 6 abortions (1x rape baby, 1x ectopic pregnancy, 4x BC failure/condom breaking/drunken one night stands). Now I'm 34 and I've calmed down and married a nice man and we want to start a family and I can't fall pregnant. Is this karma getting me back for being too wild? What should I do? My husband doesn't know about all the abortions. How do i tell him it's my fault we can't fall pregnant? Please no rude or judgemental comments.


This is a fake post to see people's reactions. I am horrified by how many people don't see anything wrong with so many abortions and still say "it's not your fault" and "you didnt do anything wrong". Wow... blows my mind. I don't believe in karma but if this were true, you get what you deserve. Why should God bless you with a baby after you've murdered previous babies?!