Pregnant again after miscarriage, anxiety high

Heather • so blessed to have my 2 beautiful children!
Just tested today after I knew I was but just too scared to test. I'm 16 dpo and have sore boobs, high bbt , nausea and tired. It's been 6 months since I lost my pregnancy and I was determined to find a reason why I did. I know sometimes it happens but I didn't want to believe that. After I demanded more answers I was tested for thyroid disease and sure enough I am and that was possibly y I lost it.. so I took my meds my levels are great. I was still spotting so I went to my gyne had a hysterosonogram and biopsy all were good. My progesterone was low so I'm worried about that.. but I called today and I'm getting a progesterone test if it's low I'll get on medication for that. I'm NOT loosing this one. It's NOT happening this time. I also spoke to a psychic back in January sunfairychrissy... she predicted I'll have a boy in April and my numbers are 3 and 23! My DD is 3/23!!! I was 12 days late with my first child so this one could land in April. I just need to stay positive. Wish everyone luck.