Anterior placenta


I found out at appointment today that I have an anterior placenta (I think that's what it's called lol. Placenta in front. She said that's why I don't feel my boy as much right now. I'm 21 weeks today. She said at 23 weeks I should feel him 6 times an hour and if not I should go in to get checked. I'm not to worried about the placenta thing as I read it's common but am worried about not feeling him when I should. Has anyone else had this and felt their baby regularly by 23 weeks?
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My doctor said that regular movement wouldn't be until 26-28 weeks.  I also have an anterior placenta.  Don't stress about it!


Kristen • Jul 14, 2016
She actually made my husband and I repeat this after her to be sure it sunk in 😂


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I have an anterior placenta as well. I have two boys and this is my girl. This is also the first time I've had an anterior placenta and wow what a difference!!! I can barley feel a thing!! By this time my boys were kicking the crap out of me and this one I just feel the odd flutter. So different. Glad I know that I have an anterior placenta otherwise I would be worried. I can't wait to feel her more. 


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I have a low lying anterior placenta. My doctor said not to worry until about 26 weeks. Don't stress!


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I'm 21+3 with a posterior placenta. Apparently I should feel her more easily bc of placental placement. I haven't felt anything yet. 


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Same! Anterior placenta is very common and it's not a big deal. I'm 22 & 5 and feel him most when I'm laying down. 


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I am the same way and oh my gosh do you start to feel them move! Little ninjas in there!


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My midwife said the same thing to me. I'm currently 21 weeks and started to feel kicks last night ! 


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I'm almost 22 weeks. At my 19 week ultrasound they said I had an anterior placenta also. I started feeling little kicks around 18 weeks but now they are really strong. I feel her moving and kicking off and on all day but she is most active in late evening and night.


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I have an anterior placenta. 23w with second child. I feel him off and on throughout the day but it's definitely much more faint and muffled feeling than my first son. Try not to drive yourself crazy counting kicks--it's very important, yes, but please don't cause yourself undue stress and anxiety trying to feel kicks. ❤️


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I was actually shocked to find out last week I had anterior placenta already at 23 weeks because I can feel baby move quite a bit. But keep in mind when they say feel 6 kicks an hour that's not every hour. I rarely feel my baby during the day. I would say at their most active time (usually when you're resting) I would count them for that hour.