Cycle problems? Opinions please.

So I was put on metformin about 5-6 months ago. I do not have PCOS but I do have cysts on my ovaries. My dr gave it to me to A) help me conceive and B) help me lose a few pounds (I was overweight for my height as I'm only 4'10") But anyway. I quit taking it roughly 2 months ago or so. I should've started June 13th. Well on May 31st & June 1st I had what I'm considering a light period but was really only spotting. Well since I've had no blood whatsoever. No spotting. No period.  I do have a few physical symptoms as my back hurts, constipation, I've been breaking out like a 13 year old, my cervix is high, closed and soft and so on but my breasts are not sore at all. I've taken test back on the 4th and it was negative. Could the fact I stopped metformin be what is making my period late or do I sound pregnant? I've got a call in to my OBGYN but wanted you guys opinions.