Sick&tired of him! RANT!!

Okay so Ive been in my current relationship 8 years&hes been good.Hard worker,family man,responsible etc. But he has a MAYOR issue! He has the worst attitude EVER! &no i didnt know this when we started dating, he started showing his true colors about 3 years into our relationship. Well let me get to the point.I stopped working 4 weeks ago.i have a cellphone bill ($35)&a car payment $350(which i have $for). He took 2 weeks off to "help around" with our newborn, instead he would chill in front of the house with his friends😠 so i told him to go back to work since he wasnt doing anything&he came up with "well you dont pay shit&am paying everything so i AM doing something!" ouch! It hurt me. Today my mom came over&i lend her my keys to my car for her to get my charger. As soon as my mom leaves hes like "&im gonna pay the car until you go back to work so the car is mine, which means i dont wamt you lending no one my keys!" again, it hurt! Im veryyy sensitive but i dont think im overreacting! Everything for him is $! He is super ambitious in the wrong way! &lets just add on by saying, he HATES my family! Why? Because they dont own a home&because my mom likes to go out(not clubs lol) i really dont think thats any of his business..ughh im just soo mad!