She's here (birth story!)

I was due on July 6th and when my due date came and went I was so miserable and upset. I always thought my baby would be here early. I tried everything in the book to get her out (besides caster oil!). I was 2-3 cm and 80% effaced at my last two check ups. I was then scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks on July 13th. I was so upset they wouldn't induce me earlier but a part of me wanted to hold out for natural labor to occur. I thought for sure I would go before my induction date but the morning of July 13th came and I was very much still pregnant. I was so incredibly nervous as a FTM and not hearing great things and statistics about being induced. Overall I am so happy with the way it went- so I will share my labor and delivery story with you all.
7am- arrived at hospital but it was full and I had to wait for a room to open
8am- arrived in my labor/delivery room (2-3 cm and 80% effaced) nurse could feel my water bag and baby's head 
9-930- I was given pitocin through my IV 
11:50am- my water broke on its own! My mother in law was telling us a funny story and I was cracking up. All of a sudden I felt a big pop in my stomach and a gush of water came out! The gushes continued from there on out. I was so happy my body naturally did that.
After my water broke my contractions picked up right away. They were so intense and so close together I could barely catch my breath.
1:45pm- pain level was a 9. I asked for an epidural which was in my plan but always my biggest fear. Epidural ended up taking multiple tries because she couldn't get it in the right spot. This was a miserable experience but my contractions were unbearable. After my epidural was in I instantly felt better and so sleepy.
I was afraid the epidural would stall my labor but I jumped from almost 5cm to 9 1/2 cm within a short time period.
Before I knew it I was 10cm! Around 625pm I started pushing. I couldn't feel my legs but I could feel pressure down there whenever they said I was having a contraction. I really tried to concentrate through each push and my husband was the best coach counting to 10 each time. I pushed for one hour and it honestly went by really quick.
Willow was born at 728PM, 8 lbs 4 oz
and 21 inches long. I had a second degree tear but couldn't feel a thing while she was stitching me up. Baby girl had some respiratory issues after birth because she had a lot of fluid so that really had me worried but it all cleared up! We just got home today (36 hours) and are resting/getting to know each other. I am breastfeeding and it's a learning experience for both of us! I am sore down there (10 stitches) but the lovely nurses gave me a bunch of goodies to use each time so it's bearable. I also have a sore back from the epidural which I wasn't expecting. 
Overall, I had such a good experience and I couldn't be happier. All of you ladies helped me along the way and I tried to read as many birth stories as possible to calm my fears and concerns so that's why I tried to be as detailed as possible. Let me know if you have any questions...and check out this cutie who's been hiding in my belly the past 41 weeks!💕