Would you cut your daughters hair off to make a point?

A friend of my BF has been trying to befriend me and though she's nice I also notice that she's really off. Like some of the things she says and does are really out there. Like idk.. Others may feel differently but I feel it's strange to tell someone you barely know, never hung out with, that you'd watch their newborn... For a day or even couple of days. Oh and she asked my BF on a FB post (not even a PM) if I tore during labor...
She has two kids, a girl and boy, and they always look disheveled. Not the disheveled from playing but disheveled like they never get their hair taken care of and what not. Anyways I noticed a status she put up about her daughter and that she had continue to tell her daughter if she kept "it" up shed shave her head and that now her daughter knows she isn't a lair. I didn't believe it at first until I saw a picture. The poor girl had no hair. Now I don't know what her daughter was doing but surely a 6 or 7 yr old girl doesn't deserve that as punishment.