I'm over this cycle! I actually really want af, so I can try again.

I did all of this to myself and I know this.  My hubby and I have been trying for a few years now. We have a 5 year old girl together and wanted to add to the family. 2015 we had a very early loss. Fast forward to may 16 2016 we had a 20 week loss. My waters broke at 16 weeks and full labor at 20 weeks, lost a little girl.  I was a mess lady's, a complete mess.  We wanted this so bad, and as much as it hurts we don't wanna give up.             My high risk gave us the go ahead told us we could try asap. In a strange way the thought of trying again gave me a sense of hope, so we started. When I lost my daughter I had to have an emergency D&C. So 1st period comes june 21! 10 days long. I got a positive opk July 2 so of course we tried.  Fast forward to what I thought was the ending of my 2ww.  I got a positive curved prego test then later that night had signs of ovulation. I took a opk and it was HUGE bfp. The curved test is the ONLY test that gave me a positive. I'm gonna assume I got a false positive even went to the doctors and their test was negative as well. So wenesday, and Thursday I got + opks. Friday and today still have dark lines, just not a +.  So now I'm not sure if my 2 week wait starts all over? I don't even know what my cycles is now. I KNOW rushed it. So I'm done buying test! Periods  gotta come sometime right?   What a mess😖 thanks for letting me vent, sorry for the run on.