And I over reacted.. again.

Why must I constantly make my life difficult by being a bitch? The past 3 weekends my spouse went out drinking on the weekend and too hungover to even move the next day. Last weekend he promised this weekend to me. So, this morning rolls around and he wants to sleep in when our daughter woke up, fine. I got him up at 9 for breakfast I made. He gets a call from his dad who is building his own house and he needs help. Fine. Four hours later he returns with the doughnuts my embryo was so desperate to have. Thanks dear. But then he pulls out two gall cans of smirnoff ice coolers. I asked him why he brought them home when this weekend was meant for his pregnant spouse and their child and he said he needed them to relax. I got furious saying it wasn't nessisary to drink every weekend and then my brother and our roommate jump in to defend him how it's only a couple drinks and he worked hard this morning and I shouldn't be like this. Then he does the dishes (his night to do them) comes to where I'm watching the kids and says 'I'll be back'. So he is leaving me again on my weekend. I'm pregnant and I just don't want to he lonely anymore... what is wrong with me