Cant have kids..

Ive posted about this before but I want to again. Im 16 years old, yes I know I am young. I live with my boyfriend and soon we are moving out of state (job transfers with same pay yay!) so we can get a house together and be able to actually pay for it (Where we live is super expensive). I was told two years ago that my fertility was low and by the time im in my early twenty's I won't be able to have children. My doctor said that even at that point if I even started trying then, I'd need to use things to help me and it could take years for me to get pregnant. Well, last month I got pregnant. It ended up being a chemical pregnancy. I tell my boyfriend all the time that I want kids. He says we can adopt. I dont mind adopting at all, I originally wanted to JUST adopt. But since last year, I want one kid at least that is MINE. My baby. But he wont do it. He says he doesnt want all his checks going towards a baby before he can even spend money on himself. Which is understandable. I feel the same way sometimes. But right now could be my only chance and he's pushing it away. I just feel like he doesnt really know how hard this will be on us in the future and I really dont think he knows how hard it is on me still. I cant force him to have a baby with me or anything but this hurts me.. It really does. I am ready for a child while I am able to MAYBE have one and I cant even do it.