Babies, Marriage, Homes


So I've never posted anything on here because I was always scared to but I need help!!!

So I've been with my boyfriend for about 2 years (broke up for a couple of months) and from the moment I saw him I knew he was the one. Like most girls, I've had a plan for my life. I wanted to get married by 25 and start having kids at 27. (I'm almost 23) My boyfriend and I haven't talked about kids and marriage till recently. He says he doesn't want any kids or to get married, but it's hard for me to put on a happy face when he says that. I know he won't go anywhere, (I was his first for everything) but I'm still worried he won't ever want to get married and I don't want to wait till I'm in my 30s to start having kids. How do I get him on the same page??