Ideas on how to get stuff done???

So my SO keeps saying tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorow on starting the nursery! I am 28 weeks pregnant and currently the room is FULL of his junk! I never really knew how lazy he can be before I married him. It's a really unattractive quality in my opinion and I am at my whits end because I love him to bits but it's all talk and no action!
It is hot here in the UK right now, but he is doing less and less. Leaves everything to the last minute and goes back on every promise he has made.
So ladies - give me some ideas because I can't keep getting upset all the time. It's honestly affecting the enjoyment of my pregnant and I am stressing out. The more I say anything the less he does in protest. I have packed me bags twice!?! To put this into context too - the house is his and I moved in once we were married after being together for 4 years. I never wanted to be in his house but it turned out that way. The house was meant to be ready and isn't so I have now caved and just focussed on the nursery as a priority but really I feel let down the rest hasn't been even started.
I have been here three months and my stuff is still piled in boxes because he hasn't finished the jobs he said he would like adding kitchen cupboards etc so I can put things away.
Anyway - you get the gist. Need help on tactics because I am just close to leaving!