Scared - pregnant one month after ectopic surgery

Been TTC for 2.5 years, been through <a href="">IVF</a> twice. I got pregnant for the first time in May 2016--and it was natural! At 6 weeks, I went to the ER for bleeding & cramping, and it turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy. It was in the tube. Had open surgery to remove, but the tube was saved. It was terrible to go through the ectopic. To lose our baby was devastating, and on top of that I had to recover from a major surgery. I was on Vicodin on and off through about four weeks following surgery. I had bleeding after the surgery starting 5 days later for a few days but I didn't consider it a real period.  We read online to avoid pregnancy for at least one whole cycle, so we were waiting to get my period and then go through that cycle before starting the next cycle on another <a href="">IVF</a> round. We did BD about three weeks after the surgery. Every time we used a condom, but we did start without a condom a few times (sorry, tmi). I drank a few times, only one or two drinks a night, during the fourth week of recovery. I'm not usually a big drinker but I was still trying to suppress my grief I think. Anyway, I was waiting and waiting for that period and thought it was awfully long, then I started waking up in the morning with heartburn, or with that pregnancy hunger that is so distinct. My boobs did hurt a little. We were going away for the weekend to New York, so I threw a pregnancy test in my bag kinda spontaneously. Still thought there was no way, and it was kinda a joke to myself like yeah right like that would happen, after all we used a condom! In New York I stupidly got drunk on Friday night. On Sunday, I woke up and laid in bed while my hubby got breakfast and I thought I might as well take the test. I had been having sinus issues only at night and was so tired all weekend, same as first pregnancy. So I took the test, put it on the floor, yawned, stretched, looked down at it, and boom! Positive right away. That was yesterday. Strong positive today too. It's been 5 weeks and 3 days since the surgery to remove the ectopic pregnancy. Based on what I've found online, I think it's a new pregnancy and not leftover hcg from the ectopic. Plus my boobs are killing me now.  I would be 4 weeks along now, or less, based on when we BD'd. 
I am so scared! I feel so stupid, too! I don't want to have another ectopic pregnancy, and I'm not sure if getting pregnant this early after ectopic or after the major surgery could cause big problems! I just lost one baby and I really don't want to lose another so quickly. It's hard to not get attached and excited about being pregnant, but I know I should be cautious.  Today got my hcg checked by blood but stupid lab hasn't given us the results yet. Hubby refuses to be happy and excited like he was before because he was so devastated before. Who's been in similar situation with pregnancy right after ectopic? Did everything go ok? Did you have problems due to the surgery? And should I be worried about the Vicodin or the one drinking binge? I never would have used the Vicodin if I knew this could happen! I could have dealt with the pain. And I very rarely drink so I'm cursing myself that I did this! Anyway, my big question is more about the ectopic than the other stuff. What do you think my chances are of having a successful pregnancy? Thanks!