Cystic Fibrosis result.

The other week I got my Cystic Fibrosis check back and it came back that I was a carrier for CF. Total shock. No one in my family ever had CF. 
Hubby got tested and yesterday we got the result back that, thankfully, he is NOT a carrier. Therefor there isn't any risk to our baby. 
I just got a call from my sister. My sister had a baby last week. She didn't know I was pregnant. She said that if I ever decided to have kids I should get tested... Her one week old daughter has just been diagnosed with CF. 
So, without any family history both my sister and I are carriers. (And so is her hubby... Without any suspicion of being one). 
This is a really strange feeling. I was just so relieved and having a party that we are all clear form CF and then BAM my tiny niece has it. 
It's all strange because I feel so horrible that I was so relieved and the first thing that just popped into my head when my sister told me was how thankful I was that it wasn't my baby. It's just horrible even thinking that! I am so sad for my sister and niece too. 
What an awful week.