Multiple Multiples????

Quick question! Has anyone or is anyone expecting  a second set of twins? Or multiples? 
I gave birth to twin boys back in December, sadly one passed away at birth. And so, we will never know if they were identical or fraternal for sure!  That said, the two looked fairly identical at birth, although a lot of infants look similar at birth...
I have a genetic factor in my family of both twins and multiple sets of triplets! We are hoping to start trying for another baby around December (when our LO turns one) but hubby is very nervous and worried that if we conceive twins again that history will repeat itself.  I would be super excited to be expecting twins again! Especially because OB informed me that the complication that caused our loss is rare, and odds are 1 in 1000 live births of it happening in the first place.  As nervous as I would be I would love to raise a set of twins! 
Thank you for your input. :)