Questions, questions

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
I've had 2 readings personally a week between each other back in December 2015. 
I was told I was going to have no issues conceiving by 1 and the other asked if I had a miscarriage at all 'yet' and I said no, she said ok then don't worry you won't have one.. 
Both said I'm going to have a boy very soon. She also told me his characteristics and said I'd actually go on to have two boys total. 
February 2016, I conceived and miscarried at 6.5 weeks. No fetal pole. D&C with complications in March. 
April after 1 cycle I conceived and I'm currently a few days shy of 12w. 
My grandmother sees a spiritualist regularly and they told her whoever is pregnant it's going to be a girl.. and was very insistent. My grandmother doesn't know anyone else pregnant so she's saying it's definitely me. 
I am religious (Christian) and spiritual and have found that Owls follow or visit me in odd places and times my whole life. I feel it to be Native American connection somehow as I'm a sliver Blackfoot. My husband thought I was crazy when I told him until he's witnessed at least 3 scenarios. I feel spirit all around me but don't know what to believe other than God. If God gives mediums and psychics these abilities why are they wrong so often? I have yet to confirm sex of this child but SOMEbody was wrong. A few times. 
What are your thoughts since there are so many of you on this forum?