
stacie • Mummy to a beautiful princess & gorgeous boy and now an unexpected arrival due Aug’18❤️
Just hoping there's someone out there who's had the same as me and can give me some answers and some hope! According to the dates from my last period all apps had calculated that I would now be 6 weeks 6 days. Thursday night last week I went to the toilet and was shocked to find bright red bleeding, not huge amounts but more than spotting, but it was the colour that looked alarming to me. I left it over night and it calmed down I still called my GP in the morning and they arranged for me to have an early scan on the Saturday. I had bright red bleeding again Friday this also began to calm down. I went for my early scan (abdominal) I could barely see anything just an empty sac but the sonographer was certain everything looked okay and then she then said I would only be about 5 weeks which confused me. Later Saturday night I started bleeding more bright red blood and then woke in the night feeling something wasn't right and there was quite a lot more. It hadn't been gushing or soaking sanitary towels and I've had no pain accompanying it all. With the doctors being able to give me no explanation, I'm turning to you guys to hopefully share a similar story xx