Failed induction


July 23 A queen was born

7pounds 13oz

Was inducted 7pm on the 20th

By Friday night my contractions started so spread about even with the pitcon on 20....I was tired beat down epidural bag had went empty in the middle of the night and on boy....painful....the nurses took it upon themselves to stop my pitcon to give my body a rest....I told them I was done .....beg the doctors not to start them back up....not to mention my bag had been broken at 11am and I was still stuck at 4cm.....Friday morning I was rolled down to the er to have a c section.....thank goodness baby girl came out all right..we should go home tomorrow if her labs check out okay...I also got an infection from my water being broken and them repeatedly checking me...I think God for my blessings everyday because me and my love made it