Should I attempt to contact him when my baby comes?

My baby daddy lied to me we've known each other for more then 9 years when I found out we were pregnant and as soon as I found out I was pregnant a girl contacted me asking me if I knew my soon to be baby daddy, I told her to call me so I can record the conversation, and I looked at her Facebook page and saw an ancient photo of them together and a 20week ultrasound pic, so when she called I asked her if that baby was his she said yes, then she asked me if I was pregnant I said yes I was 4weeks, she wanted to know what I was going to do keep it or not, in like I don't believe in unnatural measures of termination if I miss carry that's different but not purposely. I left the situation after finding out the truth I asked him about her and he lied claiming he didn't no her in like well hell your in her pictures, he kept lying so in done, my ex husband did the same thing kept lying about stuff kept sleeping around so eventually I left after I tried all I could try.