For you low-income Mommas out there❤️

CS • First time mommy of the most amazing little girl💖
I hesitated at the thought of writing this, just because I'm a shy person and sometimes there are ladies on here who aren't always nice...but I figure if I can help at least one person feel a little better, it's worth it! I've been struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression recently, and I've had some amazing people in my life who have helped talk me through a lot of it. My husband and I were not planning on trying to conceive anytime soon, and to be honest I had some health issues that I was sure would make it difficult for me to conceive once we were ready. Obviously that's not the case, as we're expecting our little girl in November. We couldn't be happier, but we also weren't ready. We've been working on slowly building up our careers and our savings so that we could provide the absolute best possible life for any future children. But life doesn't always work that way, and shortly after we found out I was pregnant, we were hit with some unexpected expenses AND our financial situation changed drastically. We're doing everything in our power to improve our situation, but we live paycheck to paycheck and often have to forgo certain bill payments in order to pay for groceries or gas to commute to work. We've always been proud of standing on our own feet, but we finally put our pride aside and realized that sometimes we need a little help, and we ended up applying for food stamps to help stretch our budget. I posted a little bit about this anonymously a while back, and was bombarded with questions about why we couldn't use public transportation, why I couldn't work, etc. The thing about forums like these is that there are thousands of women from all walks of life, all of whom have different resources and opportunities. In my case, we live in a poor, rural, remote community- there aren't options for us here. Although it does upset me sometimes that I can't give my little girl an upscale nursery or a closet full of new clothes, I know she will be absolutely adored and well cared for. My mother raised me on less resources than my husband and I have, and I never grew up feeling like I was missing out on anything. We've embraced the fact that we will be more of a minimalist family, and even though I still fight off anxiety about our situation, I know we will come out of it stronger. 
Mommas, don't let anyone tell you that you're on your own and it's your own fault that you're pregnant. It's okay that you don't have a large savings account or own your own home. Struggling to make ends meet does NOT make you a bad mother. It's not shameful to need a little help. Your baby doesn't care if his or her clothes are new or hand me downs. Your baby needs you- your love and care. 
To you Mommas out there who did take the time to build your careers and establish yourselves before pregnancy- this isn't meant in any way to bash or shame you. You're good mothers as well. 
I just wanted to reach out to anyone out there who may be in a similar situation and is scared and stressed. You're not alone, and it's going to be okay❤️ 
Update on my own situation- it turns out my husband's income is just barely above the limit so we won't be qualifying for food stamps or any other assistance. I had a good long cry about it and then I picked myself up and revised our budget in such a way that we should be able to keep our heads above water, provided that no crazy expenses pop up anymore. My mother always made ends meet, and I can too❤️
All of you ladies commenting on this thread are amazing! I can't believe how much solidarity and support there is just in these comments. I always felt so discouraged on this app because I only ever saw posts from ladies who were well off and had the means to provide lavish lifestyles for their babies (again, NOTHING wrong with that!!) but it does my heart good to know that so many women all over the country are overcoming the same hardships and rising above the same circumstances. Thank you thank you thank you all for sharing your stories and offering your support. You've all made me cry numerous times today and given me renewed faith to handle a difficult situation. So much love to you all❤️