Sex shaming.


Ok so as an adult you have the responsibility to inform younger people about sex when they ask Not shame them for their decisions. You were a kid too at one piont and you lost your virginity to somebody at some piont and time. Everyone has sex and they have the right to decide when on their own. You did. So give factual information or give helpful websites but dont shame them or bash them for asking. They need this information to make informed decisions. Sex ed isnt really a thing but it needs to be. This forum is here to help others and ourselves Not so you can be a bitch with your opion. If its not nice dont share it.

We adults need to act like it and be supportive and set good examples. Besides if younger people dont feel safe or confident enough to come to us were will they go?

This app should be a safe zone for people of all ages.

I read a lot of posts by mothers who are just vicious and rude to younger girls and it makes me sick. These younger girls deserve respect as well. You dont know their life you dont know their story. You were young once and many of you were in the exact same situation as kids. Can you even try to remember what its like to be young with those fears and questions?

I wish there was an app like this when I was 16 i could have used advice from nice caring experienced adults before i had sex. But honestly i think most of the mean judgmental peopl on here would have scared me away and made me feel awful about myself and my choice. Which is not what young girls need.

Wake up adults act your age not your maturity. Thank you.