Help advice needed🙈🙊

Chelsea Chantelle • • I'm 23👩🔞• Engaged to my soul mate💍💑 • TTC for 7 years🆘️🏁 • 8 Angel babys🕊💔
Hello I was just wondering if anyone else has not ovulated one month? Or been in the same situation as me, Would love to hear your story, did anyone find out they were pregnant after not ovulation?. Every month around the time I'm about to ovulate I get really bad piano in one side, but this month me and my partner both noticed I haven't been in pain at all this month and non of our ovulation test's came back positive all negative, my period last time was really short and spotting and came 3 days early. please could something tell me what's happening? Also I'm due for next period today regular every month (day 28) 🙈🙈