Have I lost my damn mind!!!???

So for the most part my relationship with my husband is completely monogamous, but recently my best friend / ex gf moved in with us, and I'm not going to lie since I've been pregnant my libido is through the roof so I invited her to our bed a few months ago. Well for the past two weeks we've all kinda been gravitating towards another encounter but now that I'm further along sex in general is getting really uncomfortable. Last night it came to a head but I developed a really bad uti so I was in pain. I wasn't feeling a threesome let alone solo action so I looked at my husband and said if you want to give it to her you can I'm going to have to sit this one out. It happened but I think I royally screwed shit up she seemed really upset this morning that I wasn't involved and I guess felt guilty. I know their isn't anything romantic between them and that neither would have done that without my permission, but now I feel bad like I shouldn't have said go for it. I don't know what to do to fix this!?