Fell in the shower..

I'm 27 weeks today. Yesterday I was showering with my SO and he steps out to grab towels. I'm trying to finish up but the soap slips out of my hand and my tummy knocked more off the shelf on the tub lol. Instant reaction to try and grab everything and boom there i go. Landed more on my right side thankfully. SO flings open the curtain freaking out (there i am like a stranded whale at the bottom of the tub) and I just have to try not to cry out of utter embarrassment and frustration! So painfully cliché. Luckily I have an at home doppler so after checking my son's heartbeat and giving my doc a quick call everything seems to be okay. At lunch my SO told me we were going shopping when he got off work and I'm like "for what" and he says "a shower mat" 😶😣 I'm a little sore and have "shower burn" on my hip and foot but really I'm fine I'm just embarrassed let's pretend it never happened lol. Baby is doing jumping Jacks and dancing all around so I know he is good♡ Is anyone else incredibly clumsy all the sudden? I swear I drop EVERYTHING. I was making him lunch today and I had a plate that was wet. I was trying to cut pickles and somehow the plate and knife go flying out of my hands onto the floor. He says "babe I love you. But you terrify me" 😥 just have to make it the next three months without fatally wounding myself😅