Had vaginal birth, now OB suggestion c-section

So I wanted to see if anyone else has had this situation before. When I had my son I was a few millimeters away from a 4th degree tear. They had a major issue with me bleeding out and it took them an hour to stop the bleeding and get me stitched up. My son was 9lbs, but honestly I think it was probably my fault because as soon as my body said push, I pushed hard! I got him out in six pushes, so the tear is probably on me! Lol. Anyway I am with a new OB (who is not big on c-sections) but once he looked at my charts and asked my husband and I about it, he almost immediately asked if I had considered a c-section this time around. He said he is worried that since I tore so big and had bleeding out issues that if the baby was similar in size that I could tear even worse. He said if I didn't want to that he would monitor me and do extra ultrasounds to make sure I was making a good decision. Obviously I have plenty of time to decide, but has anyone else ever had this issue or been told a c-section may be better this time around?