My induction/ birth story

sr003 • 37 - TTC #2

Just for anyone still waiting. I know reading everyone else's stories made me feel better before I went in. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I just know y'all are going to do great!

My story.

EDD: July 29th Induced b/c of gestational diabetes. Complications: cpd (small cervix).

We were admitted to the hospital on the evening of Tuesday July 19th for ripening. Everything was high and closed and no sign of baby planning to evacuate. It was a full moon that night and as such there was a lot of commotion in the labor and delivery area of the hospital.  The couple scheduled for induction at 9pm were sent home because of the overload. We had *just* made it in.

Our first round of cervadil, expected to start at 8pm, was not administered until after 10pm.  Contractions began and were increasingly painful through the night. Finally at about 3am pain killers were administered and had an immediate effect. After sleeping for a few hours, cervadil was administered 3 more times before that round was concluded. Dilation was only at 1 -1.5 cm and it seemed another round would be required.  We were kept in the hospital due to gestational diabetes (when most folks would be sent home) for 6-8 hrs before the next round could start again.  We were able to eat, shower, and rest before the next round began. For round 2 I was given an Ambien and the contractions on the second night were much more bearable. At the end of round 2 dilation was only about 2cm.

On the morning of July 21st, when the doctor came by to see how 'ripening' had gone, he decided it was time to start pitocin, give me some pain medication, and broke my water. An internal contraction monitor was inserted. A c-section was likely to happen at about 6pm that night, the doctor predicted. One way or another, baby was coming.

Almost immediately the contractions became unbearable and the anesthesiologist was called in to administer the epidural. The epidural did not work and by this time I was screaming uncontrollably, sweating and shaking with pain. There was a strong urge to push that I was unable to fight and it continued while the anesthesiologist attempted a second epidural. It felt like I needed to poop. This second epidural was administered and upon checking dilation was ten and baby was on the way. The room filled in with personnel and while I could still wiggle my toes, the epidural worked *just* enough that I was able to push. 15 minutes later Trent Alexander was born. Because of the pain medication I was given (not expecting things to progress as quickly as they did) Trent's temperature at birth was low and he was taken to the nursery with Daddy to be warmed. He returned to the delivery room a while later and was perfectly healthy.

At 7lbs 8oz, 19 & 1/2 inches, Trent was born at 10:39 AM on Thursday July 21st. We stayed in the hospital until Saturday July 23rd (our 4th Wedding Anniversary). There was some excessive bleeding with the circumcision and we were back at the ER that night but after getting that addressed everything was great. We are all recovering and adjusting at home and couldn't be happier.

Good luck to all you mommas (and daddies) out there and thank you for being part of my pregnancy journey.

💙 😍 👶