Induction story.

Went in July 16 (my due date) for a non-stress test. My blood pressure was running high. To be safe they asked if I was okay with being induced that day.  I agreed.
I was admitted that day and took some pills that was supposed to soften my cervix.  I went in dilated at 1cm. Sunday morning, July 17 the pitocen started. They started it pretty low so it wasn't bad at first I was able to walk around in order to help things along. Although it didn't help. Later that afternoon they checked me again and zero progress was made. They inserted a balloon cath to stretch out my cervix. That really jump started things. My contractions were now coming in consistently. Around every 5 minutes. Every time one would strike it pushed down on the catheter causing more pain. After battling the contractions I was thankfully given pain meds which allowed me to still feel the contractions but I was able to catch a nap. Around 10pm they took me off the pitocen so I could eat dinner. At 6am on Monday they hooked me back up to the pitocen. I was sitting in my bed when I got a huge urge to poop. I went to the bathroom and the catheter fell out. Which meant I was dilated to a 3. My contractions were coming in every minute and pretty harsh. I took a hot shower which helped a great deal. I would have stayed in longer but my hips felt like they were breaking. After a few hours the nurse came in and saw how badly I was in pain and recommended I get the epidural.
He came in right as he stuck the needle in I thought my leg had broken in half. It hurt so bad. After I got the epidural it took the edge off but I was still contracting severely. The nurse left and got the dr to check me. He asked if I felt like I needed to poop and I said no but the contractions are just unbearable. 
He checked me and said Welp you are ready to start pushing. Pushing was what brought me relief. Until those shoulders were ready to make their way out. He ended up cutting me which brought such relief! I pushed for exactly 45 minutes. For such a long weekend of labor I was greatful when I saw them putting the gowns on. My beautiful lady made her way into this world at 3:53 pm on July 18. 
At the time I didn't think so by she was worth every single contraction, lack of sleep and balloon catheter. I wouldn't have traded it for the world!!!
Always keep in mind the pain is temporary the reward is lifelong.