Induction Story

I was due July 23rd with no signs of dilation what so ever. They originally scheduled me for induction on July 28th, but changed it to July 26th because they were booked the 28th. Arrived at the hospital at about 5pm and they started me with cytotec. It took me three pills before my cervix started dilating. They started at fourth pill around 6:30 in the morning. My SO was going to go home and shower and come back up after. He left here around 8:00, mind you we live about 30 minutes away from the hospital. At about 8:30 my water broke on its own. At 10:30 they had started pitocin and I was also given a epidural. I went from a 2 to a 9 within an hour. My doctor wanted me to labor down instead of spending hours pushing. About 4 hours later I was ready to push. The doctor wasn't in yet and the nurses were trying to get me ready and she was already crowning and was on her way out. Took a total of three pushes and she was out. Doctor was surprised on how fast and easy my labor was considering I'm a FTM. The contractions were bad, but well worth it.