Bleeding 12w5d - so scared

Yesterday I had a gush of bright red thin blood soak my pants and run down my legs for about 3-4 minutes. Since then it's been tapering off and gettin darker. As of today no blood on the pad and none in the toilet when I pee, just when I wipe. No cramps but I'm terrified. I have an appointment scheduled for Tuesday so I decided to just call my doctor tmrw morning about it and see is she wants me in sooner. Last time I miscarried there was a ton of blood and clots and bad cramps. The differences are reassuring but I'm so scared. The waiting sucks but other than hearing the heartbeat or seeing a sonogram, which I'll see on Tuesday, it'll just cost me $2000 to go to the ER. :( 
Mostly this post is just to ask for similar stories with good turnout. It'll help me feel better until I see my doc tmrw or Tuesday.