Brown spotting at 5 weeks

Hi ladies. I'm looking for some support, because I've been have some light brown spotting for a little over a day now. I'm 5 weeks 1 day and from what I've read this is a common time for women to start a period when they have a chemical pregnancy. I haven't had any serious cramping, just strange little feelings that I can't tell if they are cramps or digestion. My pregnancy tests are still coming back with a darker line every day and my midwife said that we really can't tell anything this early and I'll have to try to relax. She said we could do an ultrasound, but I'd rather wait until 6 weeks when I might be able to see the baby's heartbeat. I'm trying so hard to not let the worry consume me, but I'm having a really hard time and it's very disappointing to see the brown everytime I wipe. Have any of you experienced this? Have any of you had a chemical pregnancy? Was the spotting brown or pink?