Weird energy before miscarriage

I'm probably going to sound crazy. I miscarried yesterday at 12+3 but before that I was watching my fiancé's daughter (she's about 2) and she woke up from her nap crying. I got her pacifier and rubbed her back to try to get her to fall asleep but she was screaming crying like she was in pain and her face was sweaty. I called my fiancé and told him I was worried and he said to just lie down with her so she can fall back asleep and she's fine but she's never cried like this and she wouldn't stop. She didn't even want me holding her. She was pointing at the door so I carried her outside with me. She calmed down a bit outside but was staring at the empty hallway of our apartment and pointing. I felt the weirdest energy there. I don't even believe in bad omens but a black cat came from no where outside and his daughter looked at the cat and then just stared at me. I've never even seen a cat around here. I felt so uneasy and kept telling my fiancé to get back. We went back to our apartment when he got back and I sat down. She just kept staring at me like I did something bad to her. I got up to go to the bathroom and clear liquid gushed out of me. I started crying and we went to the er and then I found out I was miscarrying. I could sense something was wrong though. I believe in God and just kept praying because that felt so weird to me, like something evil was there. Has anyone ever had any weird occurrences or energy before they miscarried? Could any of you sense something wrong? I'm still confused by this