Breastfeeding Mamas!

Tayla • Me and my wife have been together for 3 years, married for almost two and are expecting our first baby due June 2016.
Breastfeeding Tips:
Before I even write this, I just want to point out that this post is in no way bashing women who choose to formula feed. The way you feed your child is a completely personal choice and it's for nobody else to judge. I've just found that there are a lot of misconceptions regarding breastfeeding so I thought I'd write some tips down that would have made mine and my daughters breastfeeding journey so much easier had I known about them before she was born. 
Breastfeeding is the most natural thing to do in the world but it's certainly not the easiest. For the first couple of weeks you feel as though your baby is constantly attached to your breast. They fuss and cry at the breast and latch on and then latch off which makes you feel as though you're not making enough milk for them. They may also lose a percentage of their birth weight which can be worrying but this is perfectly normal. 
Once you get over these first couple of weeks, it gets so much easier. You can literally do everything with a baby attached to you. And it is the most amazing feeling in the world, the bond you have is incredible and there are no words to describe it. 
I won't go on much more because I could talk about breastfeeding all day but if you do wish to breastfeed, I would strongly suggest reading up on the following: 
The Virgin Gut
The Fourth Trimester
Exclusively Pumping
Newborn Growth Spurts
The Flipple Technique 
Also, the wonder weeks app is an amazing app to use which tells you when your baby is coming up to a growth spurt and what behaviour to expect and kellymom is a brilliant website for breastfeeding advice. 
If any other mummies have any tips for breastfeeding, please share them below :)