She cheated.

Recently I had my friend getting ahold of me all upset, in tears. She has a boyfriend. She told some girl (we'll call her haylie) that she wanted to have sex with her. That is cheating, you should never tell another human being you want to have sex with them, while in a relationship with someone else. I guess that haylie sent the screen shots of my friend saying she wanted sex with her, to her boyfriend. My friend is telling me how she's so upset that he won't talk to her much. And I'm trying to be nice to her, because she is my friend, but She was wrong. She cheated on her boyfriend. I don't know why some girls think that "it's not like I'm doing stuff with another guy, it's a girl, so it's okay." I know some guys think it's hot for their girl to mess around with another girl. But not all guys are like that, and he isn't. He's furious and I don't blame him. I don't know what other advice to give her. I've told her that she fucked up and that she should give him space. Anything else I can tell her? She really won't stop crying and I don't want to hurt her feelings even though she was truly wrong. She has no one else to talk to and has been blowing me up about it all night, which is alright. I'm her friend but I'm out of ideas on what I should say.. I already told her it was wrong and to let him be for awhile.