Further than I thought???

Katy💙💖💙 • Jackson 21/12/12 my first love, Maisie 25/04/14 my little princess, George due 27/03/17 the final piece to my puzzle ♡♡♡♡

Hi ladies & possibly gents too!!! Hope ypur all well.

So my actual last missed period was 15/06/16 however the "period" I had before this definate missed one was 4 days late and was spotting for around 3 days. Not a normal period for me. Usually like clockwork and a steady/medium flow over 4 days.

So now I'm wondering if in fact that little bit of bleeding then could have been implantation bleeding and I'm actually a little further or if that's not possible??

I'm not bothered either way. I mean I'm pregnant so I'm happy anyway just curious. Had this happened to any of you? Thought you were only so many weeks then came to be further?

Haven't got a scan for another 4 weeks yet :( so won't be able to find out until then.

Thanks in advance :)