Leaking at 24 weeks?

So im 24 weeks 2 days, and i was in a wreck kind of yssterday, we got pushed off the road by a semi we didn't get hit or hit anything. But I got pretty shaken up emotionally.. I went to the ER after it happened and they listened to his heart and said it sounded fine but if I had any problems like cramping, bleeding, etc to come back in. They didn't check my urine or anything. But anyways, I woke up today an had a bit of liquid run out of my vagina and on the bed, and I felt like i peed myself but not out of my bladder idk how to explain it, then i rolled over because I figured I just woke up an had to pee and quite a bit more liquid came out so I stood up fast and went to the bathroom and used it and now I still feel like pressure of having to pee in my vagina. I'm just worried because my mom went into labor with me at 24 weeks, and the wreck. I put on a pad and will see what happens. I've had increased discharge the entire pregnancy but never like running out in puddles.

-update- I didn't go because it stopped, but my belly down low is a little sore. So I'm just trying to rest for now.