I think my doctor is wrong...

I have a bit of a backstory before I get into the point, so bear with me!  
Let me first say that it is highly unusual for me to doubt medical practitioners, but there has been more than a few reasons for me to feel this way. To preface, let me just say that my hospital doesn't have the greatest reputation as far as care goes (small town). Some women have great experiences there but many others are like me, where "care" feels more like an afterthought. Keep in mind that I didn't go into this expecting less than stellar care, it's just come to a sad reality over the course of this pregnancy.
I could give many examples, but the most glaring one being that I am 36weeks pregnant and have yet to meet a doctor. Don't misread that. I have been going to appointments since 12 weeks. But every single time It's been a nurse practitioner, midwife, or like today, medical student. I've been SCHEDULED a few times to see the MD but somehow it never works out that way. Overall, I don't mind, as long as my baby is healthy. But aren't I supposed to meet a few in case they deliver my baby? The other red flag is the fact that nobody seems to be on the same page with me. I will get told one thing at one appointment, and it won't be on my file the next. I could go on but let me just get to the point.
I had an ultrasound at 28weeks. The tech said AND typed out on his picture that he was breech. Not to worry, plenty of time to flip. The next ultrasound was at 32w. The tech said (and I have a witness to this) "That is definitely a breech baby" and she had me feel his head. Since then I have been tracking his skull, feeling it out daily to see if he has flipped. I haven't noticed anything different do far. 
At 34w I see the nurse practitioner, explained I was concerned about his presentation, she couldn't determine his position and said my file had nothing in it about his position. Not surprising. She said I was to have an ultrasound next appt, strep b test, and we would discuss from there. 
Today was that appt. I'm 36w and was hoping once and for all we would have this baby figured out. Once I get into the exam room (wait, no ultrasound?!) I am informed I was going to see the medical student shadowing my doctor (As is my luck). It's fine, I trust him. I get my vaginal swab for strep b and right before the visit ends, I realize that they had no intention of checking baby's position. So I very politely voice my question about it. He tells me he's going to check the heart rate and then get the doctor to check me. He found the galloping heart beat 2 inches above my belly button. 
The doctor is informed, comes in and asks why I think baby is breech "because the tech told me so." He does a pelvic check and says "that's your baby's head" as he grips my groin (I don't feel anything obvious). Then he checks me vaginally and says it again. I'm not convinced. I can't feel anything head like down there at all. He never felt the rock hard nub at the top of my belly either. All my kicks are at or below belly button too. 
Am I crazy? I would love it if my baby was actually head down. But I cannot shake the gut feeling that he is wrong. He didn't bother feeling any other part of my belly and just...ugh! I'm a little frustrated with this hospital. I just don't think I will be convinced until I see it for myself at another ultrasound. I don't know if there's any other method to know for sure. 
Sorry for the novel, I just had to get this off my chest. 😓