Clinic HPT test & craziness RANT

I went to a walk in clinic, for a hcg blood test today. Well I found out they can but it takes a couple days. So I declined. I did say okay to the urine test. I paid my 25 dollar copay. Went gave my sample they told me to go out and wait in the lobby!  She came out and said I'm sorry you aren't pregnant!  I said "really!"  She said yes. She gave me my test and I looked! I told them it was positive and she said no a faint line doesn't count then began to explain to me how pregnancy test work!  I said I know how they work and how to read them! I've taken 12 that says I am!! Yours does too. She continued to say I'm sorry & ask if I was okay! As well as not to give up & if I don't get AF come back in 10-15 days. I said oh yea I'm fine I'm excited I'm pregnant.  She just looked at me.  Mind you she is giving me this news in the waiting room with other people around!  So I went to Walmart....and bought a digital! Going into the urine test I was nervous bc I'm 9dpo.  Been getting faints since 6dpo! I was afraid it was too early for the "clinic" test! 
Well on the way home I'm ranting to my best friend. Well she sent the hpt picture to our OB (he is amazing!). He was like uh she's pregnant tell her to come to me! I get home. Took my digital...pregnant 1-2 weeks! Well duh!
I mean today was a good/bad day & I was ready to hit the nurse!  My mom got results she is officially cancer free. I got a positive test.  I teach severe special education. Our school caught on fire and my room flooded!! On back to school night! Blah. Crazy!!
Top picture is the clinic's test. Like seriously looked at that clear positive.  2nd picture is the instructions (look at the warning at the bottom)