Help cervix shortening

Sammy • Preggo with little princess after two amazing boys can’t wait for this family to be complete
Okay here is the story from the beginning, at 28 weeks I got my glucose test done that caused me to get a silent uti that I didn't notice until they tested my urine at labor and delivery when I went in with cramps and contractions at about 29 weeks 3 days then I started the antibiotics and was starting to feel better just my normal daily braxton Hicks well when I went in at 30 weeks for normal check up they saw and measured on ultrasound my cervical length like always and in two weeks it went from 3.6 inches to 2.9 inches and ob was worried so put me on procardia which is for preterm contractions or high blood pressure so needless to say these pills make me feel super shitty. Anyway I've also been taking it easy, well as easy as I can with a toddler running around. He wants to see me Thursday to check cervix length again and see if the pills are helping and make decisions from there well today I have had on and off cramping even on the pills and I just went to visit my hubby at a work thing was there maybe 30 mins standing and now I have so much pelvic pressure and terrible back pain, should I worry? Has anyone delt with a shortening cervix and still delivered at full term? I need positive stories and or advice I can't get put on bed rest or deliver this early!!!