Unhealthy eating while pregnant 😭

Victoria • Harley's mommy 💙👶🏻12-4-16 Due with baby #2 Oct 2024 👶🏻
I literally feel so horrible about myself because I don't have time to eat good anymore. With my busy schedule I only have time for fast food or little snacks which are usually bags of chips or cookies because I'm on the go! In the beginning of my pregnancy I ate so well because I wasn't working as much so I had time to make food but now I don't and I feel like such a horrible mother 😭 I make sure to take my prenatals every day so he's at least getting the vitamins he needs but does anyone else have this problem. I'm literally beating myself up over it 😭 my only "good meals" will be dinner because it's made and ready when I get home from work so it isn't fast food or restaurant food. I'm scared the baby will be seriously affected. So far he's healthy during scans and growing perfectly! I'm 22 weeks but I need to know I'm not the only one 🙏🏻😭