First Bottle!

Sarah • 31 years old, first time mom, baby boy Finn born May 30
I am breastfeeding my son and have been pumping a bit in the morning to ease up my let down so he doesn't choke. This weekend my SIL is getting married and my parents will have LO for the duration of the ceremony. I figured I should find out if he'll even take a bottle before leaving him for a couple hours. I pumped 5oz this morning and poured it into a bottle. He was confused at first and just held the nipple in his mouth. Then he got some milk and started to suck. He drank 1.5oz and seemed full (started refusing bottle, had already had a few burp breaks and started again but finally stopped taking it). 
I feel better about the decision to leave him with my parents Saturday knowing he'll most likely take a bottle from them if he gets hungry.