Low rising hcg and pink/brown spotting?


I'm 5 weeks and a few days. My hcg is rising, but very slowly. Still within "normal range" just on the very low low side according to the doctor (I think she's just trying not to scare me.)

Friday 3pm - 55hcg

Monday 9am - 77 hcg

Just went for my 3rd check. Results will be in tomorrow. I had a miscarriage almost 2 months ago at 5 weeks. Never had a cycle in between. Last night I finally got a clearblue weeks estimator for 2-3 weeks. Which means my hcg may have finally jumped some cause it's 200 miu for 2-3 week read. Anyways, about noon I noticed a little pink spotting. Nothing I needed a pad or anything for. Just when I wiped. And now at 5pm, it's barely there and now brown. Does this sound like another miscarriage??? My last one the bleeding started and within an hour was bright red and heavy! I never even had my levels checked when I had my last one. Any similar stories? Opinions? Anything?