I'm losing my fucking mind!!

I have no idea what else to do at this point. I usually don't post things so utterly personal but I really just don't know who else to turn to at this point. 
I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My biggest fear with my daughter was that upon learning she was going to be a big sister that she would go into a regression stage. That fear somewhat came true. She's 4 years old and is wetting herself pretty much every damn day. This has been going on for the last 3 months. Ive taken her to her pediatrician and the emergency room. I'm at wits end. Her pediatrician says regression is normal and I just need to be patient. The ER checked for UTIs, infections, bladder issues, and even took X-rays of her intestines. They thought that a poop backup was the cause of her peeing. At first I was utterly upset and annoyed but I went first to the ER and the doctors there said she may not be able to control it, because she had a poop backup. They gave her a laxative and told me to change her diet. It's been a while month since and all she does is pee on herself daily. I'm trying to continue to be patient but lately she's been laughing in my face when I ask her if she had an accident. She has this little disrespectful little smirk everytime she does it which makes me feel like it's on purpose or as if she really doesn't care about getting up and walking 5 feet to the bathroom. She does it while she's sitting or laying down. Sometimes I find puddles of pee just in the middle of the living room. I feel like my house reeks of toddler pee! 
I haven't ever spanked her, not for this or anything else but today after seeing her smile I had to use all the restraint in the world to not spank her into oblivion for smiling and laughing while I'm trying to reprimand her for peeing on herself for the billionth time.
I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel so physically exhausted with this. I've tried being nice, understanding & nurturing. I've tried taking a medical approach, I've tried reprimanding, time outs, taking away TV time, toys and tablets. I'm going just plain crazy. I'm so close to checking myself into a mental ward because there's just no way I can continue to keep my sanity with this situation and then to have her smiling and laughing about it?! I'm losing it. I'm steps away from tearing out my hair. Please someone give me a suggestion! Anything! 😫😫😫