C-section today but now just confused

Was scheduled for a c-section today due to breech. Refused to have them cut me before checking one more time. Turned out that baby turned and surprised all. They asked if I wanted to be induced instead, I said yes. They said there is a 50% chance that the induced labor might fail and I might end up needing a c-section because my cirvix is still closed and high. So I ended up deciding to check out from the hospital after being there for 7 hours and going home to wait for a natural delivery . If it doesn't happen before 40 weeks then I'll induce at 40.1 . I'm currently 39.3, so the weight is not bad. But soon after leaving I started feeling my feet and toes balloon up. My hand veins hurt a lot from the IV they hand on me (they did that 3 different places cause it wouldn't work). I'm in bed, exhausted, feeling miserable, and feel like my stomach skin is so stretched and about to rip open even with all the oils and creams. Although I prayed she would turn, now I feel I should have allowed a induced labor. What are your thoughts ?