Abuse or tough love?

So my mom is always coming in my room during the night, and she'll drunkenly yell at me that my life is unhealthy and shit because I've been enjoying sleeping in and having a more lenient schedule since I stopped having the lovely school hours of getting up at 5 am to get to practice at 6 and not leaving until 4:30-7:00 pm depending on the day, and she comes in shouting then when I make a comment about sorry, I'm trying, but I'm not Ashdod at this as my sister, she insists that she loves me and doesn't see me as a disappointment, but that my life is just shit and that it clearly has to do with my low self esteem and nothing else (none of this has to do with her causing issues of course) and then starts crying and acting all sorts of upset to guilt me, and she also tried to guilt me a few times by making comments about how I ow her for taking care of me and her putting up with the aftermath of my being raped, and all the emotional damage it did to her seeing me upset.
Also, she insists I have no reason to have off days or need to relax because I'm 18, even though I have Aspergers, ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and it's exhausting to try to pretend I can function like a proper "normal" human being. She is constantly putting pressure on me, putting me down with weird little comments that she covers up with a half positive comment where she says no, I really do love you, but... and I just don't think it's right, I feel like her behavior is manipulative and unhealthy, and could be considered emotionally abusive, but my best friend thinks it's just "tough love"

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