Worried I will have another miscarriage

Sorry if I'm in the wrong place I will be happy to re post if I am. 
I had a missed miscarriage 3 months ago. Baby stopped growing at 6 weeks and I didn't find out until I started bleeding at 12 weeks. This time I'm only 4 weeks pregnant but I've been checking my cervix. When I did a pregnancy test my cervix was very high soft and closed (sorry tmi). And now it is low and a bit open. I have had a baby before so it could feel different in terms of if it open or closed. It felt like this when I started miscarrying last time. But I'm not bleeding yet (touch wood). 
I guess I'm just looking for advice if anyone has gone through the same and if it's normal to feel a difference in the cervix on a daily basis. 
Thank you for any feedback. I'm just worried to go through the traumatic time again like last time. I just hope this baby sticks.