Anyone else a cow?

Baby is getting exclusively pumped breast milk. My baby girl matched perfectly, but refused to suckle, and was not getting the nutrition she needed. I was told to pump every two hours for supply, which I did the first four days that I had milk. I'm now 10 days post partum, and pumping every three and a half to four hours. I'm getting at least eight ounces per pumping session, which are only 15 minutes usually. I've had more milk than I know what to do with, and there's nowhere to donate to in my tiny town. I'm grateful that there's more than enough for my daughter, and I know many women struggle with supply,  but I feel like a milking cow! It also makes nighttime a little uncomfortable, as I have to feed my daughter, and then take the extra time to pump or I wake up so sore/hard in my breasts that I want to cry. I see so much about about lack of supply, is there anyone else that seems to have an over abundance? I feel bad because I would donate if there was anywhere to donate breast milk here, but I really don't think there is. Also, anyone have good suggestions for storage?