To epidural or not?

Ashley • I'm grown.....that's all you need to know.
So yesterday at my appt (to which my mother accompanied me) my doctor asked me about needing to sign the consent forms or whatnot for epidural. I explained to her that I didn't want to sign them bc I honestly don't even want to be offered it. I currently have back issues and quite frankly I don't want drugs or to be numb when I give birth. I've heard both sides of the argument and respect them both but as a FTM it's so frustrating being told how the pain is going to kill me and how I'll be sorry I didn't at least sign the authorization forms. To top it off, my mom is going to be present and she is pro medicine. I've always avoided meds unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.  While she is respectful of my views (with this exception 😒) she keeps pressuring me to sign as well. I feel like I've thought this through thoroughly enough to be sure in my decision. I walk regularly, do yoga and meditate. But I feel like I should just sign so everyone (mom and doc included) will just let me be.