A small rant!!!

Ok so I am four to six days due on AF... Approx 8th to 10th August ... And maybe I am imagining it or not I hav so many symptoms on so many different days... At 5 dpo I came down with a flu with nausea and heartburn.. Then I convinced myself it's too soon.. But past three days now I hav very painful nipples... Like if I brush them with my hands it hurts so much.. And I hav a hell lot of mood swings .. Lik sudden changes in emotions every hour... Of course I hav mood swings before AF is due but the nipple thing is new to me this month.. Yesterday had heavy period lik cramping... But just small amount of white discharge happened...Tested yesterday and got a negative.. But hoping to take a test soon if AF is late.. Wat u al think ladies... Any positive vibes??? Sorry for the long post.. Thank u.. Baby dust to all😘👶🏻